Whether you're golfing, skiing, biking, or just basking in the sun, Central Oregon is a fascinating place to explore.
Visual storyteller at Lie + Loft
The Three Sisters of Central Oregon
Around this time each year, I really start to yearn for Central Oregon — let’s be honest, I’m always yearning for it — but it’s difficult to argue for which season is better in the area. During the summer, you have hiking, biking, running, and lots of sunshine. In the wintery months, you have snow, winter sports like skiing and snowboarding, and also sunshine. What I’m saying is: it’s the perfect location with something for everyone. By now, you’re aware of my fondness of Bend/Sunriver, and by now, if you haven’t taken the opportunity to visit– I’ll be extremely disappointed in you. Not really, but you owe it to yourself to make it out there. This was a pretty long winded way of opening the log post, which chronicles Hannah’s and my trek out there recently. We’ve found a small cabin that we love to rent during the winter months, it happens to be pretty cheap, very cozy, and in a location that is difficult to beat. It was a somewhat last minute trip, but we threw ourselves, our stuff, and Hudson in the car and headed to east over the Cascades to our favorite place on the planet.
For fellow fans of the Beaver State, L+L has a ton of Oregon-related artwork here.
Hannah PSYCHED about the road trip
Bathroom break for the big guy!
Mt. Washington!
After 3.5 hours of driving-- we made it.
All of our grandparents had this painting in their basement when we were kids, right?
Nothing like arriving in Sunriver to snow on the ground!
Always have loved the classic Mt. Bachelor photography that reside in so many of these Sunriver homes.
All Hudson wanted to do was play in the snow.
No golf was played, but we did have a view of #16 green.
I almost contacted the homeowner to see if they would sell this to me.
We managed to get SOME golf in!
It was hard to say focused on the putting with all of the views.
Greens were smooth... and sloooooow.
Pick that one out.
Spiked hot cocoa? Check.
Play it as it lies.
The view departing Central Oregon-- rarely stop. Did this time.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Even trips to Sunriver.
I can’t ever recall a trip to Central Oregon where I was excited to leave. I’m always left wondering when the next time I’ll be back is. This trip was no different.
We embarked on our journey home and in the fashion of trying to extend it as long as we could, we stopped at just about every landmark we could. Including this lookout point of the Three Sisters. It’s the classic view everyone knows who’s made the journey, it’s how you know you’re almost there. (Check out Lie+Loft’s print of Tokatee at Three Sisters here.) It’s a lot more fun when you’re heading there, than heading back; that I can assure you.
Until next time homies– keep spreading the good word that Golf (and Central Oregon) is Home.