With some macaroni salad, home fries, and beef, you can recreate this surprisingly tasty Rochester tradition at home.
Visual storyteller at Lie + Loft
A recent adventure, so to speak, started a month ago during a touch base with Luke. We were game planning the month ahead for content needs and general ideation.
“Have you heard of a garbage plate?” he asked.
“Um, no?” I responded, somewhat bemused.
“Just google it,” he offered.
That was the beginning of a rabbit hole. Born in Rochester, New York, the host city of this week’s PGA Championship at Oak Hill County Club, the Garbage Plate is a meal consisting of macaroni salad, home fries, meat, meat sauce, ketchup, mustard, Frank’s RedHot, and 2 pieces of white Italian bread. Local restaurant Nick Tahou Hots was the first to offer the fare, a dish invented out of necessity during the late 1800s.
You might be having the same reaction I initially did, but Luke reassured me: “Trust me, it’s good, albeit it tastes even better after a few adult sodas.” These items don’t typically go together, which is where it’s name sort of came from. But regardless of if it made sense to me or was something I did or didn’t want to do, it was something I had to do– my curiosity was piqued beyond measure and I simply had to create this dish… and of course shoot content around it for all of you to live vicariously through me.
We don't have Wegmans in Portland.. so I had to improvise.
Grass fed beef. Slice of Pepperjack. Yum.
This felt so wrong and so weird.
Dinner is ready!
Not sure about this!
I must say that I went a little rogue with my recipe, but I do think that’s considered to be o.k. in the spirit of what a Garbage Plate is. If you check out the order form at Nick Tahou Hots (you can only call or fax your orders, unbelievably amazing in 2023), you’ll see that the garbage plate is meant to be made your way!
The rundown of my recipe:
– 1/4 Grass-fed Beef
– 1/4 White onion
– Mac salad (from your local hawaiian restaurant)
– Home fries (frozen works great)
– Mustard/Ketchup
– Frank’s RedHot Sauce
– White Italian bread
I really don’t know what to say, but the wiped clean plate above should speak for itself. The first bite definitely came with a lot of fear and questions. But as I took it, I realized how genius this plate is. For some insane reason, all of these ingredients work together. The creaminess of the mac salad, the sweet/sour from the condiments, the savory burger… and the bread. It’s perfect. The PGA Championship feels a little more like home now this week. You can peruse our collection of Oak Hill Country Club course maps here.